Agency Needs

Agency Needs

What do you need? I did a survey recently about what you thought was the most important trait of working with an agency. The results were: Trust 36% Communication 36% Quality 18% Cost 9% Interestingly, trust and communication were the joint top 2 traits which shows...
Sales Process

Sales Process

I disagreed with a post recently about the agency sales process and how agencies should ‘stop sending in their CEOs to charm people as most are not that charming’. Regardless of the size of your recruitment agency, the CEO should still have an interest in new...
Confidence in our Candidates

Confidence in our Candidates

There aren’t many recruiters out there who are so confident in their candidate’s suitability for your job that they are prepared to interview them alongside you!  From my experience, many recruiters walk a middle path when it comes to candidates, hedging their bets...
Fee for Chambers

Fee for Chambers

Recruitment fees have always been a barrier in our industry. Talking to a client recently, though, I see how much certain agencies are charging to further exasperate the problem. The manufacturing business had recently recruited someone in their finance department...
Returning to Work

Returning to Work

Returning to work – what do you look for when returning to work? Dears? What’s important? Returning to work after a long period of time can be daunting.  For women particularly, if they have taken a long period off to raise a family; confidence and self-worth can feel...
Changing Perception

Changing Perception

I read a post a couple of weeks ago by a Talent Acquisition Manager that sparked a debate in our team about how we and other agencies are perceived. In the post, she talked about how Talent Acquisition have a much more strategic approach to recruiting compared with...