There aren’t many recruiters out there who are so confident in their candidate’s suitability for your job that they are prepared to interview them alongside you!
From my experience, many recruiters walk a middle path when it comes to candidates, hedging their bets that they don’t commit one way or the other for fear of them not getting through an interview.
Then you have the candidates that they have put forward as a ‘wild card’ who they definitely aren’t betting their house on.
Ultimately though, a recruiter that can’t back their candidate is a recruiter who is wasting your time!
Here at K.A.G. we are confident that our vetting and screening processes have covered enough to be secure in the knowledge that we have done everything we can to ensure the best match for you and your role. We nail our colours to the mast when it comes to believing in our candidates; which is why we have won a British Recruitment Award for how we champion the people we represent.