This week is my candidate focus and how you can attract the best talent to your team.
Job adverts are often the first thing a candidate sees about a business so it is key that you are giving the best impression from the offset about the type of opportunity there is available and the future scope for progression for them. Put yourself in their shoes. What would YOU be looking for if you were job seeking?
So many adverts focus on what the employer is looking for;
‘We are currently looking for a …’
When REALLY they should be thinking from perspective of the talent they want to attract and what’s in it for them;
‘You will be responsible for…’
This way you are appealing directly to active and passive talent and are more in tune with the market. Which, by the way, is extremely candidate led!
For more information on how to refine your job adverts and for a free 30 minute no obligation call, DM me.
Poll Candidates not turning up to interview
In the past year, how many candidates have not shown up to interview with you?
- 0
- 1-3
- 5+